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ADOPT uses a community-based participatory research framework. To date, the project has connected with over 40 organizations that serve Asians (and others) as well as a wide range of stakeholders in service of its mission. By working with these stakeholders, including family members, local officials, nonprofits and faith-based organizations, we have been able to compile a directory of resources to benefit the Asian and other communities.

Nick headshot

“ADOPT has really been instrumental in helping our program. They’ve really provided a lot of advocacy on behalf of us towards the Division of Rehabilitation Services and other agencies in the community. They really have been great in linking us all together and allowing us to collaborate. And we really couldn’t have really had this program without them.”

Nick Kinsella  |  Heartland Human Care Services

Directories Heading link

These directories provide various resources, from community-based organizations to media organizations.

Chicago-Area Asian American CBO Organizations
Faith-Based Organizations in Greater Chicago
Asian-Based Chambers of Commerce in Chicagoland
Asian Media Organizations

Vocational rehabilitation resources Heading link